2018 HQ (Wheeling) Chapter ~ Additional Outings:
Saturday February 10, 2018 ~ Winter Raptors- We will meet at 9:00am for our winter raptor outing in the grasslands of Ohio. Meet at the Cadiz Animal Clinic in Harrison County Ohio. Outing coordinator Scott Pendleton. [email protected]
Saturday March 3rd, 2018 ~ Falconry Outing ~
Sunday March 4th 2018 ~ Duck Outing ~ Location: Ohio River (more information coming)
Tuesday March 13th,2018 ~ Bethany Birding- We will meet at 9:30am at the Ohio River Islands NWR on Rt. 2 and Rt. 67.
Leaders Jay Buckelew and Bill Hicks. Late winter and early spring birds plus Bald Eagles nesting! We will go up to Breezy Heights for lunch, for those who would like we continue birding after we eat to locations in PA.
Sunday March 24th 2018 ~Duck Outing ~ Location: Ohio River (more information coming)
Sunday April 15th 2018 ~ Early Warblers ~ TBA
Wednesday April 25th 2018 ~ Sunfish Creek Outing ~ 8:00am at the Emrick's home or 8:30am in Cameron OH. Take OH 78 to Sunfish Creek Road (29-A) cross bridge over creek heading into Cameron, meet on the Cameron side of the bridge. We will work our way up Sunfish Creek and have lunch at Sylvia Bowen's cabin. Bring lunch and drinks.
Saturday April 28th, 2018 ~ Wildflower Walk ~ Location TBA (Ohio)
Sunday April 29th, 2018 ~ Enlow Fork ~ (more details coming)
Saturday May 5th, 2018 ~ Captina Creek Birding Trail-Join us at 8:00a.m. at the Riverside Restaurant in Powhatan Point OH. This is a driving tour of the Captina Creek Birding Trail. The is the second year anniversary of the trail. We will be stopping along the way to enjoy the great birding this trail has to offer. Leaders from the BBC HQ Chapter will guide us. Bring lunch and drinks.
Sunday May 20th, 2018 ~ Buffalo Creek PA Important Bird Area- Join us at 7:30a.m. at the historic S-Bridge at the intersection of RT-221 and SR-40 (parking lot on SR-40 just past S-Bridge). We will bird at the S-bridge for around 30 minutes so folks can have an arrival window. We will then bird throughout the IBA. Pack a lunch and bring drinks.
Saturday or Sunday May 26th or 27th 2018 ~ Outing for Grassland Birds ~ (Final date to be determined) Meet at the Cadiz Animal Clinic at 8:00a.m. Upland Sandpipers, Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow Sparrows and Vesper Sparrows are some of our target birds!
Saturday June 2nd 2018 ~ Dickinson's Cattle Ranch ~ (More information to be announced)
Saturday July 21nd 2018 ~ Outing for Grassland Birds ~ Meet at the Cadiz Animal Clinic at 8:00a.m. Upland Sandpipers, Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow Sparrows and Vesper Sparrows are some of our target birds
Saturday March 3rd, 2018 ~ Falconry Outing ~
Sunday March 4th 2018 ~ Duck Outing ~ Location: Ohio River (more information coming)
Tuesday March 13th,2018 ~ Bethany Birding- We will meet at 9:30am at the Ohio River Islands NWR on Rt. 2 and Rt. 67.
Leaders Jay Buckelew and Bill Hicks. Late winter and early spring birds plus Bald Eagles nesting! We will go up to Breezy Heights for lunch, for those who would like we continue birding after we eat to locations in PA.
Sunday March 24th 2018 ~Duck Outing ~ Location: Ohio River (more information coming)
Sunday April 15th 2018 ~ Early Warblers ~ TBA
Wednesday April 25th 2018 ~ Sunfish Creek Outing ~ 8:00am at the Emrick's home or 8:30am in Cameron OH. Take OH 78 to Sunfish Creek Road (29-A) cross bridge over creek heading into Cameron, meet on the Cameron side of the bridge. We will work our way up Sunfish Creek and have lunch at Sylvia Bowen's cabin. Bring lunch and drinks.
Saturday April 28th, 2018 ~ Wildflower Walk ~ Location TBA (Ohio)
Sunday April 29th, 2018 ~ Enlow Fork ~ (more details coming)
Saturday May 5th, 2018 ~ Captina Creek Birding Trail-Join us at 8:00a.m. at the Riverside Restaurant in Powhatan Point OH. This is a driving tour of the Captina Creek Birding Trail. The is the second year anniversary of the trail. We will be stopping along the way to enjoy the great birding this trail has to offer. Leaders from the BBC HQ Chapter will guide us. Bring lunch and drinks.
Sunday May 20th, 2018 ~ Buffalo Creek PA Important Bird Area- Join us at 7:30a.m. at the historic S-Bridge at the intersection of RT-221 and SR-40 (parking lot on SR-40 just past S-Bridge). We will bird at the S-bridge for around 30 minutes so folks can have an arrival window. We will then bird throughout the IBA. Pack a lunch and bring drinks.
Saturday or Sunday May 26th or 27th 2018 ~ Outing for Grassland Birds ~ (Final date to be determined) Meet at the Cadiz Animal Clinic at 8:00a.m. Upland Sandpipers, Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow Sparrows and Vesper Sparrows are some of our target birds!
Saturday June 2nd 2018 ~ Dickinson's Cattle Ranch ~ (More information to be announced)
Saturday July 21nd 2018 ~ Outing for Grassland Birds ~ Meet at the Cadiz Animal Clinic at 8:00a.m. Upland Sandpipers, Bobolinks, Meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow Sparrows and Vesper Sparrows are some of our target birds