Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley (BLORV) West Virginia
This is a reconstruction of The Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley website, originally created by Harry E. Slack III.
This historical document covers around 90 years of bird data from the Lower Ohio River Valley of West Virginia.
This historical document covers around 90 years of bird data from the Lower Ohio River Valley of West Virginia.
Noteworthy birding areas within this region: (The region covered is described by Kiff et al. 1986)
A thorough ornithological history of the lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia is given in Kiff et al. (1986). Since 1986, the completion of The West Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas (Buckelew, Jr. and Hall 1994) has provided additional data on the nesting status of birds in this region.
From the mid 1980's through 2012, field work carried out by Wendell "Sonny" Argabrite, Mike Griffith, Thomas Igou, Dr. Gary Rankin, Harry Slack, and the late Leon Wilson has added to our knowledge of birds in this region. More information @ Ornithological History.
From the mid 1980's through 2012, field work carried out by Wendell "Sonny" Argabrite, Mike Griffith, Thomas Igou, Dr. Gary Rankin, Harry Slack, and the late Leon Wilson has added to our knowledge of birds in this region. More information @ Ornithological History.
Numbers indicate the number of individuals that can be seen by a single observer in a full day's work in the field in suitable habitat.
(Description of abundance follows those given by Kiff et al. 1986)
(Description of abundance follows those given by Kiff et al. 1986)
Casual: Based on three or more records, not enough to constitute regular occurrence in a given season, but for which subsequent records are not improbable.
Accidental: Based on one or two (rarely more) records, and which, on grounds of reasonable probability, is literally accidental within the Check-list area and unlikely to occur there regularly (AOU 1983).
Singing Male Census data (males per 100 hectare) has been used as an aid in assigning abundance status. Criteria are those given by Hall (1983), as follows: Abundant: >100; Very Common: 51 - 100; Common: 26 - 50; Fairly Common: 11 - 25; Uncommon: 6 - 10.
Categories used to describe the status of each species follow Kiff et al. (1986).
Resident: Usually present at all times within a given season.
Migrant: Occurs along an established migration route, generally at a predictable time of year.
Visitant: Not always present at all times within a given season.
Seasons are defined as follows:
Winter: December through February; Spring: March through May; Summer: June through August; Fall: September through November.
The terms early, mid and late have been used in previous publications to describe arrival or departure times. For clarification, these terms are defined as follows:
Early: 1st through 10th of any given month.
Mid: 11th through 20th of any given month.
Late: 21st through 30th or 31st of any given month.
Criteria for inclusion of species follow the bylaws of the WV Bird Records Committee (Hall 1986).
Species that do not meet these are listed in the Hypothetical List.
Criteria for inclusion in the Species Accounts are as follow:
1. A specimen has at some time been collected in the region and has been examined by a competent ornithologist.
2. A recognizable photograph has been taken of the bird in the region and has been examined by a competent ornithologist.
3. The bird has been handled by a bander and released, providing the bander and his associates have been judged competent to identify the species.
4. One or more sight records, each of which involved at least three persons having previous experience with the species, have been made in the region.
5. There have been repeated sight records by persons having previous experience with the species, but for which fewer than three persons were involved in each sighting.
Age and Sex of Species: Age and sex of species will follow criteria established by the Bird Banding Laboratory, USGS
Molt: Molt terminology will follow the Humphrey-Parkes system (Humphrey and Parkes 1959, 1963).
Genus and species names are updated through the Fifty-second supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-list of North American Birds (2011). For current linear sequence of orders, families, species, and generic placement go to
Accidental: Based on one or two (rarely more) records, and which, on grounds of reasonable probability, is literally accidental within the Check-list area and unlikely to occur there regularly (AOU 1983).
Singing Male Census data (males per 100 hectare) has been used as an aid in assigning abundance status. Criteria are those given by Hall (1983), as follows: Abundant: >100; Very Common: 51 - 100; Common: 26 - 50; Fairly Common: 11 - 25; Uncommon: 6 - 10.
Categories used to describe the status of each species follow Kiff et al. (1986).
Resident: Usually present at all times within a given season.
Migrant: Occurs along an established migration route, generally at a predictable time of year.
Visitant: Not always present at all times within a given season.
Seasons are defined as follows:
Winter: December through February; Spring: March through May; Summer: June through August; Fall: September through November.
The terms early, mid and late have been used in previous publications to describe arrival or departure times. For clarification, these terms are defined as follows:
Early: 1st through 10th of any given month.
Mid: 11th through 20th of any given month.
Late: 21st through 30th or 31st of any given month.
Criteria for inclusion of species follow the bylaws of the WV Bird Records Committee (Hall 1986).
Species that do not meet these are listed in the Hypothetical List.
Criteria for inclusion in the Species Accounts are as follow:
1. A specimen has at some time been collected in the region and has been examined by a competent ornithologist.
2. A recognizable photograph has been taken of the bird in the region and has been examined by a competent ornithologist.
3. The bird has been handled by a bander and released, providing the bander and his associates have been judged competent to identify the species.
4. One or more sight records, each of which involved at least three persons having previous experience with the species, have been made in the region.
5. There have been repeated sight records by persons having previous experience with the species, but for which fewer than three persons were involved in each sighting.
Age and Sex of Species: Age and sex of species will follow criteria established by the Bird Banding Laboratory, USGS
Molt: Molt terminology will follow the Humphrey-Parkes system (Humphrey and Parkes 1959, 1963).
Genus and species names are updated through the Fifty-second supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-list of North American Birds (2011). For current linear sequence of orders, families, species, and generic placement go to
Wendell L. Argabrite, Michael Griffith, Dr. Gary O. Rankin, and Harry E. Slack, III collaborated to produce the final species accounts on this website. Wendell L. Argabrite provided the computations used for presenting Christmas Bird Count data. Roy S. Slack provided the Area Map. Lloyd F. Kiff, Cathie B. Slack and Roy S. Slack provided valuable input for content and design of the site. Tom Dotson and Steve Wilson, of the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, provided data on waterfowl. David Patick provided valuable data since 2000. Thanks to Rebecca Peacock for help in providing back-up for the site. Thanks to Matt Fox, web editor, and the Brooks Bird Club, Inc., for making our original website available. George A. Hall's book West Virginia Birds (1983) and Albert R. Buckelew, Jr. and George A. Hall's book The West Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas (1994) have provided invaluable insight to our knowledge of West Virginia's avifauna statewide. Edward L. Seeber and Ralph M. Edeburn's mimeo publication Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia (1952) was the first major compilation of our knowledge of avifauna of this area. This was followed by Ralph M. Edeburn, Edward L. Seeber, Holwell K. Land, Hugh C. Land, and Lloyd F. Kiff's mimeo publication Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia (1960). Lloyd F. Kiff, Thomas D. Igou, Harry E. Slack, III, and Leon Wilson's publication Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia (1986) was the third major compilation of our knowledge of avifauna of this area.
The original (2012-2016) website was the fourth major effort, and first using the internet, to present our knowledge of avifauna of this region. This current (2017) version of the original BLORV website was re-created by L. E. Helgerman, BBC webmaster.
Observers cited are indicated by initials as follows: Susan Aaron (SA), Gary Ackert (GA), Scott Albaugh (SA), Don Anderson (DA), Phyllis Argabrite (PA), Wendell Argabrite (WA), Jon Benedetti (JOB), John Blomberg (JNB), Steve Boler (SB), Ben Borda (BB), Joe Browning (JB), Deborah Buetler (DB), Kevin Cade (KC), Shawn Cade (SC), Simon Collier SIC), Derek Courtney (DK); Todd Deal (TD), Beverley Delidow (BD), Paul Drescher (PD); Cindy Ellis (CE), Jeanette Esker (JE), Gary Felton (GF), Fred Fitch (FF), Mike Forman (MF), Janet Fout (JF), Monty Fowler (MFO), Pedram Ghafourifar (PG), N. Bayard Green (NBG), Mike Griffith (MG), John Handlan (JHA); C. O. Handley, Sr. (COH), Jeanne Hubbard (JH), John L. Hubbard (JLH), George Hurley (GH), Jonathan Igou (JI), Tom Igou (TI), Connie Katholi (CK), Cam Kazmierski (CK), Kim Kazmierski (KK), Richard Kazmierski (RR), Janet Keating (JAK), Marjorie Keatley (MKE), Debbie Keener (DK), Julie Kiff (JK), Leon Wilson Chapter Brooks Bird Club (LWC); Lloyd Kiff (LK), Maxine Kiff (MK), Robert Kletzly (RK), Holwell K. Land (HKL), Hugh C. Land (HCL), Tom Milewski (TM), Bill Murphy (BM), Janice Musser (JM), Jim McCormick (JMc), Kelley Napier (KN); Todd Neal (TN), John Northeimer (JN), Virginia Olsen (VO), Matt Orsie (MO), David Patick (DP), Maggi Perl (MP), Keith Peters (KP), Gary Rankin (GR), Janis Rankin (JR), Monica Rankin (MR), Dave Rieger (DR), Edward Seeber (ES), Tom Shields (TS), Holly Simpkins (HSM), Harry Slack (HS), Roy Slack (RS), J. Lawrence Smith (JLS), Shelly Smith (SS), Margaret Straley (MS), Jerie Stewert (JS), Pam Sturm (PS), Bob Summers (BS), Amy Talbert (AMT), Rennie Talbert (RT), Marcus Terneus (MT), John Tharp (JTH), Arline Thorn (AT), Paul Thorn (PT), Jim Triplett (JT), Randy Urian (RA); Charles Viers (CV), John Waggy (JWY), Allen Waldron (AW), Mindy Waldron (MW), John Waugaman (JW), Leon Wilson (LW), Robert Wilson (RW), Hannah Wisinsky (HW), Sheila Wisinsky (SW), Dianne Wood (DW), Doug Wood (DOW), Bev Wright (BV) and Robert Yunick (RY), Andrew Zettle AZ).
The original (2012-2016) website was the fourth major effort, and first using the internet, to present our knowledge of avifauna of this region. This current (2017) version of the original BLORV website was re-created by L. E. Helgerman, BBC webmaster.
Observers cited are indicated by initials as follows: Susan Aaron (SA), Gary Ackert (GA), Scott Albaugh (SA), Don Anderson (DA), Phyllis Argabrite (PA), Wendell Argabrite (WA), Jon Benedetti (JOB), John Blomberg (JNB), Steve Boler (SB), Ben Borda (BB), Joe Browning (JB), Deborah Buetler (DB), Kevin Cade (KC), Shawn Cade (SC), Simon Collier SIC), Derek Courtney (DK); Todd Deal (TD), Beverley Delidow (BD), Paul Drescher (PD); Cindy Ellis (CE), Jeanette Esker (JE), Gary Felton (GF), Fred Fitch (FF), Mike Forman (MF), Janet Fout (JF), Monty Fowler (MFO), Pedram Ghafourifar (PG), N. Bayard Green (NBG), Mike Griffith (MG), John Handlan (JHA); C. O. Handley, Sr. (COH), Jeanne Hubbard (JH), John L. Hubbard (JLH), George Hurley (GH), Jonathan Igou (JI), Tom Igou (TI), Connie Katholi (CK), Cam Kazmierski (CK), Kim Kazmierski (KK), Richard Kazmierski (RR), Janet Keating (JAK), Marjorie Keatley (MKE), Debbie Keener (DK), Julie Kiff (JK), Leon Wilson Chapter Brooks Bird Club (LWC); Lloyd Kiff (LK), Maxine Kiff (MK), Robert Kletzly (RK), Holwell K. Land (HKL), Hugh C. Land (HCL), Tom Milewski (TM), Bill Murphy (BM), Janice Musser (JM), Jim McCormick (JMc), Kelley Napier (KN); Todd Neal (TN), John Northeimer (JN), Virginia Olsen (VO), Matt Orsie (MO), David Patick (DP), Maggi Perl (MP), Keith Peters (KP), Gary Rankin (GR), Janis Rankin (JR), Monica Rankin (MR), Dave Rieger (DR), Edward Seeber (ES), Tom Shields (TS), Holly Simpkins (HSM), Harry Slack (HS), Roy Slack (RS), J. Lawrence Smith (JLS), Shelly Smith (SS), Margaret Straley (MS), Jerie Stewert (JS), Pam Sturm (PS), Bob Summers (BS), Amy Talbert (AMT), Rennie Talbert (RT), Marcus Terneus (MT), John Tharp (JTH), Arline Thorn (AT), Paul Thorn (PT), Jim Triplett (JT), Randy Urian (RA); Charles Viers (CV), John Waggy (JWY), Allen Waldron (AW), Mindy Waldron (MW), John Waugaman (JW), Leon Wilson (LW), Robert Wilson (RW), Hannah Wisinsky (HW), Sheila Wisinsky (SW), Dianne Wood (DW), Doug Wood (DOW), Bev Wright (BV) and Robert Yunick (RY), Andrew Zettle AZ).
American Ornithologists' Union. 1957. Check-list of North American Birds, 5th ed. Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, Maryland..
American Ornithologists' Union. 1983. Check-list of North American Birds, 6th ed. American Ornithologists' Union, New York.
American Ornithologists' Union. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds, 7th ed. American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2000. Forty-second supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 117:847-858.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2002. Forty-third supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 119:897-906.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2003. Forty-fourth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 120:923-931.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 121:985-995.
American Ornithologist's Union. 2007. Forty-eighth supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk124:1109-1115.
American Ornithologist's Union. 2011. Fifty-second supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 128: 600-613.
Anderson, K. H. and G. F. Hurley. 1974. White-fronted Geese at Kyger Creek, Ohio. The Redstart 41:125-126.
Appel, J. C. 1957. Waterfowl development, McClintic Wildlife Station, Point Pleasant, West Virginia, 1953-June 10, 1957. The Redstart 24:70-77.
Argabrite, W. l. 1988a. Smith's Longspur at Gallipolis Locks: a West Virginia record. The Redstart 55:57-59.
Argabrite, W. L. 1988b. A hypothetical Bell's Vireo at Glenwood Swamp and Willets reported on Huntington, W. Va. area century count. The Redstart 55:77-79.
Argabrite, W. L. 1988c. Another Marbled Godwit in West Virginia. The Redstart 55:105-106.
Argabrite, W. L. 1994. Black-necked Stilt and Glossy Ibis: Two new West Virginia records in one week. The Redstart 61:57-59.
Argabrite, W. L. 1995a. Recent records for the Buff-breasted Sandpiper in West Virginia. The Redstart 62:53-54.
Argabrite, W. L. 1995b. A Hoary Redpoll makes brief visit to feeder in Mason County. The Redstart 62:81-82.
Argabrite, W. L. 1995c. Ross's Goose found at Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam: A possible West Virginia record. The Redstart 62:122-123.
Argabrite, W. L., L., R. Dean, T. Fox, G. Hall, and J. Phillips. 1997. First report of the West Virginia bird records committee July 1997. The Redstart 64:47-49.
Argabrite, W. L., A. R. Buckelew, Jr., T. Fox, G. Hall, and J. L. Trapp. 2000. Fourth report of the West Virginia bird records committee February 2000. The Redstart 67:59-60.
Argabrite, W. L., M. Griffith, G. O. Rankin, and H. E. Slack, III. 2005. Herring Gulls Larus argentatus breed successfully in Southeastern Ohio. The Ohio Cardinal 28:79-80.
Benedetti, J., G. Eddy, G. Felton, T. Fox, J. D. Phillips, G. Rankin, J. Trapp. 2004. Eighth report of the West Virginia bird records committee: August 2004. The Redstart 71:117-118.
Brooks, M. 1938. The north-central range of the Bachman's Sparrow. Wilson Bulletin 50:86-109.
Brooks, M. 1944. A Check-list of West Virginia Birds. Bulletin 316, Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Brooks, M. 1950. 1949: The ornithological year in West Virginia. The Redstart 17:16-18.
Bullard, J. 2003. The 2002 Cabwaylingo State Forest Breeding Bird Survey. The Redstart 70:71-98.
Canterbury, R. A., D. M. Stover, and T. C. Nelson. 1993. Golden-winged Warblers in southern West Virginia: status and population ecology. The Redstart 60:97-106.
Donnelly, J. A. 1962. The Canada Goose at McClintic. West Virginia Conservation 26:16-19.
Donnelly, J. A. 1967. Twelve year waterfowl report 1952-1964. Wildl. Res. Div., West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia (ms).
Dotson, T. L. 1982. Glenwood Bend Area land use management plan. Wildlife Resources Division, West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia (manuscript).
Dotson, T. L. 1985. McClintic Wildlife Management Plan. Wildlife Resources Division, West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia (manuscript).
Eddy, G. 2003. The 2002 Cabwaylingo State Forest sortie and sortie singing male census. The Redstart 70:71-98.
Edeburn, R. M. 1954. King Eider in West Virginia. Wilson Bulletin 66:141.
Edeburn, R. M., E. L. Seeber, H. K. Land, H. L. Land, and L. F. Kiff. 1960. Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia.. (Mimeo) Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia.
Edeburn, R. M. 1964. Black-legged Kittiwake in West Virginia. Wilson Bulletin 76: 214-215.
Green, N. B. 1947. Swainson's Warbler in southern Ohio. Wilson Bulletin 59:211.
Green, N. B. 1949a. Swainson's Warbler in Cabell County, West Virginia. The Redstart 16:34.
Green, N. B. 1949b. King Rail nesting in Wayne County, W. Va. The Redstart 16:35.
Griffith, M. 1992. Clay-colored Sparrow sighted in Mason County, West Virginia. The Redstart 59:47-48.
Griffith, M. 1995. Recent Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck records in West Virginia. The Redstart 62:124-126.
Griffith, M. 1997. Recent Trumpeter Swan sightings in West Virginia. The Redstart 64:109-110.
Hall, G. A. 1952. Breeding Bird Population Studies, 1952. The Redstart 19:93-97.
Hall, G. A. 1983. West Virginia Birds. Special Publication No. 7, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hall, G. A. 1996. Supplement IV to the list of West Virginia birds. The Redstart 63:41-44.
Hall, George E. 2004. Lesser Nighthawk in Gilmer County: A first state record for West Virginia. The Redstart 71:98-101.
Haller, K. W. 1937. Some West Virginia field notes. The Redstart 4:72.
Haller, K. W. 1939. Dickcissel colony in Mason County, West Virginia. The Redstart 6:55.
Haller, K. W. 1940. List of birds of Mason, Cabell, Jackson, and Putnam Counties, West Virginia. The Redstart 7:37-52.
Handley, C. O., Sr. 1976. Birds of the Great Kanawha Valley. McClain Publishing Co., Parsons, West Virginia.
Heimerdinger, H. 1952. Ornithological results of the 1952 foray in Wayne County, West Virginia. The Redstart 19:74-90.
Hogg, R. 1976. Osprey nests in Wayne County, West Virginia. The Redstart 43:110.
Hubbard, J. L. 1992. Franklin's Gull, Larus pipixcan: first West Virginia record. The Redstart 59:90-92.
Humphrey, P. S. and K. C. Parkes. 1959. An approach to the study of molts and plumages. Auk 76:1-31.
Humphrey, P. S. and K. C. Parkes. 1963. Comments on the study of plumage succession. Auk 80:496-503.
Hurley, G. F. 1972. Swainson's Warbler distribution in West Virginia. Redstart 39:110-112.
Hurley, G. 1986. Brant in southern West Virginia. The Redstart 53:108.
Igou, T. D. 1985. Sharp-tailed Sparrow at Ashton. The Redstart 52:96.
Igou, T. D. 1986a. Marbled Godwit: first observation in West Virginia. The Redstart 53:4.
Igou, T. D. 1986b. Nesting Cliff Swallows at Beech Fork State Park. The Redstart 53:137.
Keatley, M. 1993. Wintering Orange-crowned Warbler in Huntington, West Virginia. The Redstart 60:117.
Keatley, M. 1994. Immature White Ibis at McClintic Wildlife Management Area. The Redstart 61:74-75.
Kiff, L. F. 1965. White Pelican at Huntington, West Virginia. The Redstart 32:107.
Kiff, L. F., M. C. Kiff, and L. P. Wilson. 1977. Further notes on the status of the Blue Grosbeak in southwestern West Virginia. The Redstart 44: 104-107.
Kiff, L., T. D. Igou, H. E. Slack, III, and L. Wilson. 1986. Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia. Special Publication Number One of the Brooks Bird Club, Inc., Wheeling, West Virginia.
Koch, G. 1971. McClintic Sortie. The Redstart 38:90-99.
Koch, G. and G. Hurley. 1972. Beech Fork Sortie - 1969. The Redstart 39:94-101.
Koch, G. 1974. McClintic Sortie - 1971. The Redstart 41:94-100.
Miller, A. H. 1928. The molts of the Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus Linnaeus. Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Zool. 30:393-417.
Miller, A. H. 1931. Systematic revision and natural history of the American shrikes (Lanius). Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Zool 38:11-242.
Ohio Division of Wildlife. 2001. 2001 - 2002 Wildlife population status and hunting forecast.
Pauley, T. K. 1974. An unusual date for a Sandhill Crane in West Virginia. The Redstart 41:109.
Peterjohn, B. G. 2001. The Birds of Ohio. The Wooster Book Company, Wooster, Ohio.
Pitelka, F. A. 1950. Geographic variation and the species problem in the shore-bird genus Limnodromus. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 50:1-107.
Quinn, T. W., G. F. Shields, and A. C. Wilson. 1991. Affinities of the Hawaiian Goose based on two types of mitochondrial DNA data. Auk 119:585-593.
Ruckel, J. M. No date. Progress report transplanting Canada Geese. West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
Seeber, E. L. and R. M. Edeburn. 1952. Birds of the lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia. Marshall College, Huntington, WV. (mimeo)
Shreve, A. 1966. Sharp-tailed Sparrow at McClintic Wildlife Refuge. The Redstart 33:64.
Slack, III, H. E. 1978. Seasonal occurrence of water birds and shorebirds at Kyger Creek Power Plant. The Redstart 45:120-126.
Slack, H. E., III. 1984. Page 53 in Banding News (R. Bell, Ed.). The Redstart: 51.
Slack, III, H. E. 1986a. Additional records of water birds and shorebirds of the lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia. The Redstart. 53:110-112.
Slack, III, H. E. 1986b. Establishment of the House Finch in southwestern West Virginia, 1974-1984, pages 117-121 in Banding News (R. Bell, Ed.). The Redstart: 53.
Slack, III, H. E. 1987. Avian habitat use at Glenwood Swamp during fall and winter. The Redstart 54:122-133.
Slack, III, H. E. 1989. Page 29 in Banding News (R. Bell, Ed.). The Redstart: 56.
Slack, III, H. E. 1994. Age and sex related characteristics of the Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius l. ludovicianus) in Coastal Mississippi. N. Am. Bird Bander 19:84-89.
Slack, III, H. E., W. L. Argabrite, M. Griffith, and G. O. Rankin. 2007. Seasonal occurrence of water birds and shorebirds at General James M. Gavin and Kyger Creek Power Plants. The Redstart 74:121-132.
Slack, R. S. 1967. Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia. Supplement to 1960 edition. Unpublished ms.
Smith, J. Lawrence. 1996. Birds of the Kanawha Valley. Handlan Chapter, Brooks Bird Club, Inc., Charleston, West Virginia.
Tolin, W. A. 1989. Sight record of a Magnificent Frigatebird in West Virginia. The Redstart 56:38.
Wetmore, A. 1937. Observations on the birds of West Virginia. Proceedings U. S. Natural Museum 84:401-441.
Wilson, L. 1990. Thousands of Chimney Swifts trapped in a Huntington, West Virginia church. Pages 78-80 in Banding News (R. Bell, Ed.). The Redstart 38.
American Ornithologists' Union. 1983. Check-list of North American Birds, 6th ed. American Ornithologists' Union, New York.
American Ornithologists' Union. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds, 7th ed. American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2000. Forty-second supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 117:847-858.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2002. Forty-third supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 119:897-906.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2003. Forty-fourth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 120:923-931.
American Ornithologists' Union. 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 121:985-995.
American Ornithologist's Union. 2007. Forty-eighth supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk124:1109-1115.
American Ornithologist's Union. 2011. Fifty-second supplement to the American Ornithologist's Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 128: 600-613.
Anderson, K. H. and G. F. Hurley. 1974. White-fronted Geese at Kyger Creek, Ohio. The Redstart 41:125-126.
Appel, J. C. 1957. Waterfowl development, McClintic Wildlife Station, Point Pleasant, West Virginia, 1953-June 10, 1957. The Redstart 24:70-77.
Argabrite, W. l. 1988a. Smith's Longspur at Gallipolis Locks: a West Virginia record. The Redstart 55:57-59.
Argabrite, W. L. 1988b. A hypothetical Bell's Vireo at Glenwood Swamp and Willets reported on Huntington, W. Va. area century count. The Redstart 55:77-79.
Argabrite, W. L. 1988c. Another Marbled Godwit in West Virginia. The Redstart 55:105-106.
Argabrite, W. L. 1994. Black-necked Stilt and Glossy Ibis: Two new West Virginia records in one week. The Redstart 61:57-59.
Argabrite, W. L. 1995a. Recent records for the Buff-breasted Sandpiper in West Virginia. The Redstart 62:53-54.
Argabrite, W. L. 1995b. A Hoary Redpoll makes brief visit to feeder in Mason County. The Redstart 62:81-82.
Argabrite, W. L. 1995c. Ross's Goose found at Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam: A possible West Virginia record. The Redstart 62:122-123.
Argabrite, W. L., L., R. Dean, T. Fox, G. Hall, and J. Phillips. 1997. First report of the West Virginia bird records committee July 1997. The Redstart 64:47-49.
Argabrite, W. L., A. R. Buckelew, Jr., T. Fox, G. Hall, and J. L. Trapp. 2000. Fourth report of the West Virginia bird records committee February 2000. The Redstart 67:59-60.
Argabrite, W. L., M. Griffith, G. O. Rankin, and H. E. Slack, III. 2005. Herring Gulls Larus argentatus breed successfully in Southeastern Ohio. The Ohio Cardinal 28:79-80.
Benedetti, J., G. Eddy, G. Felton, T. Fox, J. D. Phillips, G. Rankin, J. Trapp. 2004. Eighth report of the West Virginia bird records committee: August 2004. The Redstart 71:117-118.
Brooks, M. 1938. The north-central range of the Bachman's Sparrow. Wilson Bulletin 50:86-109.
Brooks, M. 1944. A Check-list of West Virginia Birds. Bulletin 316, Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Brooks, M. 1950. 1949: The ornithological year in West Virginia. The Redstart 17:16-18.
Bullard, J. 2003. The 2002 Cabwaylingo State Forest Breeding Bird Survey. The Redstart 70:71-98.
Canterbury, R. A., D. M. Stover, and T. C. Nelson. 1993. Golden-winged Warblers in southern West Virginia: status and population ecology. The Redstart 60:97-106.
Donnelly, J. A. 1962. The Canada Goose at McClintic. West Virginia Conservation 26:16-19.
Donnelly, J. A. 1967. Twelve year waterfowl report 1952-1964. Wildl. Res. Div., West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia (ms).
Dotson, T. L. 1982. Glenwood Bend Area land use management plan. Wildlife Resources Division, West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia (manuscript).
Dotson, T. L. 1985. McClintic Wildlife Management Plan. Wildlife Resources Division, West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, Point Pleasant, West Virginia (manuscript).
Eddy, G. 2003. The 2002 Cabwaylingo State Forest sortie and sortie singing male census. The Redstart 70:71-98.
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Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley in West Virginia by Kiff et al. (1986)
The Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley paperback book is available as a special BBC publication
Cost: $5.00 (includes shipping)
For more information contact:
Juanita Slater [email protected]
The Birds of the Lower Ohio River Valley paperback book is available as a special BBC publication
Cost: $5.00 (includes shipping)
For more information contact:
Juanita Slater [email protected]