BBC Birding Cup
The Brooks Bird Club started two competitive birding events in 2009, the BBC World Series of Birding Cup (WSBC) and the Club Cup.
The Club Cup was to be an event held at the yearly BBC "Foray" in June and the WSBC was to be held anywhere within any one of the West Virginia CBC circles in May. The Club Cup is opened to BBC members only who are attending "Foray". The WSBC was to be opened to BBC members and non-members. The WSBC has been put on hiatus until we tweak out some of the rules and logistics. The Club Cup is still being held at the yearly BBC "Foray" and is well attended and looked forward to each year. |
- Teams will consist of 2, 3, or 4 people. Teams may appoint a non-participating driver or observer.
- All birds must be counted within the borders of one Christmas Bird Count circle with a least some area within the state of West Virginia. Teams may travel to any Christmas Bird Count circle in the state. More than one team may compete within the same circle on the same day.
- Counting will begin at 12:00 a.m. on any day within the first three weeks of May and end at sunset the same day.
- All birds listed must be wild and non-released birds. In teams of two, both team members must see or hear all birds listed. Teams of three or four may list birds up to 5% of the total list seen by all but one team member. Teams must stay together the entire competition day.
- There is no fee for this year’s BBC Cup contest. Team captains should send their results on a checklist to A. R. Buckelew Jr., 111 Logan Ct., Bethany, WV 26032 to arrive before May 29, 2013. The name of the captain and team members must be included with the checklist.
- Birding etiquette and bird welfare takes precedence at all times. Please do not disturb any nesting bird. Bird recordings are not permitted in the field. Reference songs may be played only while traveling to confirm a bird identification. Vocal calling of owls, etc. IS permitted. No taped calling or harassing of birds will be tolerated.
- Winners: Teams tallying the largest number of species for the day will be awarded the BBC Cup. Winners will be determined by a committee to convene at the BBC Foray. An announcement of the winning team will be made in The Mail Bag. After engraving with the winning team name and members, the cup will reside at the BBC Library in the Schrader Environmental Center in Wheeling.